Sunday, June 10, 2012

FUNDING TO PROJECTS (Attachments:17 Documents)


Kính Diễn Đàn,

Một số quý Vị, nhất là một số bạn Trẻ hỏi chúng tôi về vấn đề Tài chánh, nhất là làm thế nào có được Tài trợ cho những Dự Án trong hoàn cảnh Khủng hoảng Tài chánh lúc này.

Chúng tôi xin gửi lên Diễn Đàn những tài liệu này viết bằng tiếng Anh, mong hồi âm một phần nào quý Vị và một số bạn Trẻ. Đây là Phương cách giải quyết khó khăn kiếm vốn cho Dự Án mà chúng tôi đang làm việc với một số người ngoại quốc cho những Dự án không liên hệ gì đến CSVN và dưới quyền độc tài Kinh tế của Cơ chế ấy.

Riêng về Việt Nam, chúng tôi nhất định không làm việc với những Dự án liên hệ đến CSVN hoặc dưới quyền độc tài của Cơ chế CSVN hiện hành. Xin quý Vị nào hay bạn Trẻ nào làm việc liên hệ đến CSVN hay dưới Cơ chế độc tài Kinh tế của CSVN, thì chúng tôi chắc chắn sẽ từ chối.


Kính quý Vị vào chào quý bạn Trẻ.

Nguyễn Phúc Liên




Mr.Jean-Louis Claude JOYE

c/o Me.Roger MOCK, Lawyer’s Office

18, Rue du Conseil –General, 1205 GENEVA  &   6, Rue du Port, 1204 GENEVA, SWITZERLAND.


Authorized Mandate:


22, Rue du Prieuré,CH-1202 GENEVA, Switzerland      40,Lischenweg,CH-2503 BIEL/BIENNE, Switzerland

Fax: 0041 22 738 28 08. Tel: 0041 22 731 82 66    Fax: 0041 32 365 24 49. Tel: 0041 32 365 24 49 <==E-Mail ==>


Date: 30-5-2012








These are the introductory notes to show how to solve the difficulty in obtaining Funding to Projects in poor Countries and for young Entrepreneurs.


The main difficulty in getting Loans is the Bank Guarantee


Great Banks provide Loans to rich Companies in developped Countries. The Western Prime Banks request the private Companies in poor Countries to provide Bank Guarantees confirmed with responsibility by Western Prime Banks to ensure the funding to their Projects. A young and dynamic Student who just finishes University Studies would like to realize an excellent Project. He comes to a Bank and  this Bank asks him if he can provide a Bank Guarantee. How can they—small Companies and young Student-- get a Bank Guarantee issued by Prime Banks when they are still poor? Because of the impossibility of providing a Bank Guarantee, they cannot get the funding to Projects.

From 2008 until now, we are in financial crisis and every Bank, even Prime Bank, is afraid of losing Loans even guaranteed by Governments !


Motivating Assets as Collaterals for Loans


In order to solve the above difficulty, we were trying to motivate the Assets of great value sleeping in Bank Security Boxes or in Insurance Storages. For example: the value of Gold stocked in Banks; the Paintings of famous Authors like Da Vinci, Picasso…sleeping in Insurance Storages. During the crisis period, rich people prefer buying Assets of great value to depositing fresh cash in Banks with risks of devaluation between currencies. Consequently, the motivating Assets is easier then the getting Bank Guarnatees. These real Assets of great value can be utilized as Collaterals to ensure Loans.


Dossier of the Asset Painting “LA NOSTRA DONNA”

by Leonardo Da VINCI for Louis the XII


With the purpose of motivating Assets as Collaterals for Loans, we were working with Mr.Jean-Louis Claude JOYE, the Owner of this Painting. He is ready to utilize it as Collateral in getting the Funding to Projects of Companies in poor Countries or of young Enterpreneurs. The value of this Painting was evaluated, in 1997, USD.70 millions (Seventy millions United States Dollars).

We send you the Dossier of this Painting containing the following Documents:

0)         0JO00 : Funding to Projects in poor Countries. Introduction

1)         0JO01: Certified Photo Painting

2)         0JO02: Passport of the Owner, Mr.Jean-Louis Claude JOYE

3)         0JO03: Power Authorization to Dr.Nguyen Phuc Lien, Financial Adviser, page 1

            0JO03: Power Authorizytion to Dr.Nguyen Phuc Lien, Financial Adviser, page 2

4)         0JO04: (New) Passport of the Mandate

5)         0JO05: Painting History

6)         0JO06: Affidavit of Ownership by Lawyer

7)         0JO07: Affidavit of Ownership by the Owner himself

8)         Value Insurance Lloyd, page 1

            Value Insurance Lloyd, page 2

9)         Security Storage Insurance MAT SECURITAS suisse

            Security Storage Insurance MAT SECURITAS suisse, recent

            Security Storage Insurance MAT SECURITAS suisse, recent payment

10)       Bank Safekeeping by Credit Agricole Indosuez

11)       Art Expert Evaluation by Art Expert Dr.VINCENT

12)       Curriculum Vitae of Art Expert Dr.VINCENT


Starting the Joint-Venture Capital:

Utilization of the Painting as Collateral to obtain Credit Line


If Owners of Projects are interested in using this Painting as Collateral to obtain a Credit Line from Banks or from private Lenders of Funds, please send us:

a)         LOI : Letter of Intent

b)         SUMMARY OF PROJECT: maximum 2 pages.

Please send the LOI and the SUMMARY OF PROJECT to the E-Mail Address of the Authorized Mandate, Dr.NGUYEN PHUC LIEN, as follows:


22 Rue du Prieuré

1202 GENEVA, Switzerland



We will contact you for further developments of PROCEDURES to realize the transaction.


Best regards,



Financial Adviser

Authorized Mandate


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