Friday, October 5, 2012




Red-and-Green Macaws DO grow on trees in the Amazon


San Rafael Falls, Quijos River, Amazon, Ecuador


Streams of light in the Amazonian mist


Tupi 'red bird' also known as the scarlet ibis one of the most beautiful Brazilian birds, because of the color of their plumage


Amazonian Godzilla 'in my garden'


Emerald boa Amazon Equador


Amazon rainforest jaguar


Star of the water - In the rivers of the Amazon


A typical house in the


Amazon Forest


Looking up in Amazon rainforest - Árvore Mogno


Monkeys hanging out in the Amazonian jungle


Brown Woolly Monkey in the Amazon


Amazon rainforest - inside of kills


Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest, Kotococha tribe 'Wild Boy'


Comunity Nova Esperança, Baré people. Cuieiras river, tributary of the Rio Negro, Amazonia, Brazil


boating along Amazon

Aerial roots of red mangrove on an Amazonian river


Amazon Poison
 Dartfrog or Reticulated Poison Frog found at the inflows of the Amazon River in Peru live high up in the rainforest


Iracema Waterfalls in Amazon rainforest




Adventure trying to travel muddy Amazonia roads


Amazon Rainforest, seen from the Alto Madre de Dios river, in Peru


Strong drought in the Amazon rainforest


Rock jumping on a hot day as the rivers of Amazon suffer flooding for 4 or 5 months of the year


Amazonas floating village, Iquitos


An Amazon Chestnut Sunrise


Amazon rainforest, near Manaus, Brazil


A Yagua (Yahua) tribeman demonstrating the use of blowgun (blow dart), at one of the Amazonian islands


Amazon, Tropical rainforest,


Amazonian Forest and Renato River


Amazonian Rainforest, Monkey Island (Peru)


Amazonian rainforest, upper Amazon basin, Loreto region, Peru


Balbina Dam in Amazon, Brazil


Stormy clouds cover the Amazonian jungle


On the Tambopata River in the Peruivan Amazon Rainforest, a group of kids play football on a tiny sand island in the middle of the river


bamboo and ferns in amazon rainforest


Native village of Chipitiere, in the Cultural Zone of Manu National Park, Peru


Toucan, the earl of Amazonia


Waterfall flowing from the Andes down in the Amazon Basin


Three Toed Sloth in the Amazon


walking through paths in the amazonian rainforest


The San Rafael Falls - Amazon jungle


Yacumana and Chullachaqui are two demons of the
 local legends


Brazilian Amazon


Amazonian Sunset


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