" Today Tibet-Tomorrow Viet Nam "
Who knows how many other countries in this world
are living in these conditions.
My dear friends,
During the build up of the "Civilian
Liason in the South East of Asia", I had the opportunity to visit the city
of Taipei. On this occasion, I had the chance to join with the group of
Tibet Assembly, headed by Mr...PENPA TSERING Speaker Tibetan Parliament-in meet with the City Council
of Taipei,
headed by
Mr...PENPA TSERING Speaker Tibetan Parliament-in meet with
the City Council of Taipei,
and to also visit and tour the Ny Lon
Cheng National Museum. A long time ago, this place was the office of Mr.
Ny Lon Cheng. In 1989, he set himself on fire and died, to spread
awareness for his voice for Freedom and Democracy to Taiwan. While
standing in this place, I learned a valuable and precious lesson about "sacrifice".
Mr. Ny Lon Cheng was born in 1947 and
died in 1989 at the age of 40. He left behind a young wife and a child of
9 years old. Mrs. Ny Lon Cheng later became a well known political face
in the Taiwan government. Even though she was the wife of a Taiwanese Hero,
she herself is very modest, simple, nice and very helpful to everybody.
This has been the second time I have met this special lady, and
extraordinary woman who stood up at the front of the lines, holding her child
as her husband's body burned in the fire. She cried in anguish with much
suffering, showing the whole world that her anger must be repayed someday.
The brutality in Taiwan had to take a step back due to her courage.
Taiwan has finally been reborn, and Ny Lon Cheng became the hero that
brought a new life for his country.
The patriot Ny Lon Cheng once said,
"Even though Taiwan is a small country, the patriotism of Taiwan is huge
and nothing can be compared."
Ny Lon Cheng's name is honored in his
country's history because of what he sacrificed for Taiwan today.
In Tibet, the Tibetan heros are not only
being sacrificed for Tibet, but they are also attempting to raise awareness to
the whole world to their plight. Nearly 200 Tibetans who became human
torches will never be forgotten.
The Viet Nam - Tibet Alliance was founded
about two years ago. As of this moment, we want to build up an Alliance
for all of Asia.
My dear distinguished guests,
The Viet Nam - Tibet Alliance is a new
organization with a lot of weaknesses and limitations that must be strengthened,
however, it is a union of all the patriotic people who wish to liberate their
Countries from the brutal domination of the Communist.
Near the top of this bad situation is
Viet Nam, with Red China day after day wanting to steal the Vietnamese islands.
Over 92 million Vietnamese citizens have to live in the darkness.
The Vietnamese Communist government is extremely scary, and treat the Red
China as bosses, while treating its own citizens poorly and cruely. Some
of my Tibetan friends told me that even though Viet Nam is in the hand of the
Communist, that they at least still have their own country. That is very
wrong, we do not have our own land, we have lost everything, there is nothing
My very dear Tibetan friends, Viet Nam
and Tibet are suffering through very similiar situations. We also do not
have our land, our homes.
Tibet has been over run by the Red
Chinese, since 54 years ago. The Tibetans still keep their own
traditional culture and customs, and never forget their belief in "Forgiveness
and Charity". The Tibetans proudly have their own hero, the Holiness
Dat Lai Lama. Tibet also has a young leader with patriotism, who has a
great love for his country. Dr. Lobsang Sangay is the Premier of a small
country, but wherever he appears, he gets plenty of respect and admiration.
He is very welcomed by everybody.
The Tibetans, like every other country in
the world, have their issues and disagreements. They will sit down together
after everything for their country. Tibet will always exist, the
Himalayan Mountains will always be there. The Tibetans have always been
willing to offer their own bodies without any hesitation to wake up the
conscience of the whole world. No matter if Tibet exists or not, Tibet
has already proven to the world that "If our culture exists, our country
will exist".
The condition in Viet Nam is very bad.
The land that our ancestors protected with their own flesh and blood is
now in complete darkness. The Mongolian horses killed all the grass and
fields when they passed through. They took over China, but they were not
successful in taking over Viet Nam, they had to withdraw out of our country.
The Han and Thanh dynasties were defeated as well, as well as the French
when they lost their pride in Viet Nam. Even recently, the Vietnamese
Communist are very proud to mention that even the biggest and strongest
military force, the United States, also lost in the Vietnamese War. With
the pride of winning the war, the Vietnamese Communist are pushing the whole nation
with its 92 million citizens towards jail.
Where is the Freedom and Democracy for
the Vietnamese citizens today? In the northern regions of Viet Nam, China
is always forcing the people there to give up all kinds of properties and
lands. The leaders in Hanoi are really just the Chinese Bosses, who hide
themselves amongst the Vietnamese people, and lie to the whole world. The
Vietnamese Communist government is controlling the nation for China.
Concrete proof can be seen by all of the people who speak out against the
Communist government are quickly locked in jail without any trial or judgement.
They control our country with brutality, weapons, and jails. Every
power in the government are in the hands of the Communist government.
At this present time, there are thousands
of innocent people who are locked up in the Communist jails for many years,
with no hope of a trial or a chance to get free. They are living their
lives in the darkness of their cells. The Vietnamese women had to serve
in "Sexual Slavery", and the men had to work in difficult and hard
labor in order to survive minimally. The country of Viet Nam is in the
worst situation that it could be in, for many years. I noticed as I
passed by the country, the thousands of young Vietnamese living without any
future. The young Vietnamese generation are strugging in the darkness as
well, and there is no hope for them at the end of the living tunnel. They
are very unfortunate to have come from a country that carries the motto,
"If you want to survive, you have to walk on the lives of the
I met Hoang Phi by accident in Taiwan one
day. He was a poor victim in Taiwan, being sold to Taiwan as a laborer,
and having to pay to a crime organization a sum of money equivalent to 6 to 7
thousand US dollars. In Taiwan, he had to pay them every month 1,800
Taiwan dollars, which is about 70 US dollars a month. He only got paid 10
thousand Taiwan dollars a month, so he was getting taxed almost 1/5 of his
income. In the history of Viet Nam, our people never suffered high taxes
like this. After years of working like a slave and paying extraordinary
taxes, he still did not have enough money to pay to the crime organization.
But his situation got worse, Hoang Phi lost his hand by accident while
working. Now, he cannot work as much as he did, and still cannot pay off
his debt, as it keeps getting larger and larger with the interest. Almost
a month later, his injury is still not close to being healed, as his debt gets
My dear Taiwanese friends, before 1975,
Saigon was a beautiful city, known around the world as "The pearl of the
Far East". Many students from Asia were trained in Viet Nam.
The government and the people of Taiwan were allied countries in the time
of war. South Viet Nam were also helping Tibet.
Today, after 38 years of being invaded by
the Vietnamese Communist with the help of Red China and the International
Communist party, Viet Nam has become one of the poorest countries in the Far
East. The values of dignity and human rights have disappeared, as they
turned Viet Nam into a colony of China.
Viet Nam has over 4 million Vietnamese
people living around the world. We are very proud to have a young
Vietnamese man holding a very high position in Germany, the Vice Premiere.
We also have a Senator in Canada, a Representative in the United States,
city councilmen, and many famous scientists. Perhaps, Viet Nam has more
than Tibet does now.
I still remember the time I visited Dr. Lobsang Sangay, I told him that
he is my Icon. He asked me why I said that. I replied, "Dr.
LOBSANG SANGAY, I said that not because of the PHD degree you recieved from
Harvard University. In my country of Viet Nam, we also had thousands of
people like that. What I admire about you is because you live with your
people, sharing their difficulties, their miserable conditions in Dharamshala.
You live in the Himalayan Mountains with the mosquito bites, the hunger,
and the severe cold weather. With your talents and degree, you could live
a happy and rich life anywhere in the world, but you chose to live with your people."
The last few days, my health has not been
very good. I am bed ridden all day and night with fever and exhaustion.
Suddenly, the phone rang. At the other side, the representative of
the Honorable Dat Lai Lama told me, "Mrs. Nguyen, can you come to our
office as soon as possible? We are holding some money donated to Hoang
Phi by the Tibetan students."
Mr. DAWA TSERING and his office handed
out to me, 20 thousand Taiwan dollars, equivalent of 700 US dollars. This
sum of money is an extremely large amount of money to the students of Tibet.
In 2011, the first time I visited Tibet, Mrs. Dang Thi Danh, the
President of the Movement of the Vietnamese Women Fighting for Freedom, asked
me to donate some money to the young and unfortunate students of Tibet. I
had the occasion to visit some of the schools in Tibet, so I know very well how
they live under minimum conditions. I do not believe that their lives can
be understood by the other youths of civilized countries. But then they
found out about the Hoang Phi case, they immediatly volunteered to help him out
the best that they could do. It is with this that I realized that only
the most unfortunate people can share and understand the other poor people.
Mr dear Tibetan friends, I love you with
all of my heart. The Honorable Dat Lai Lama, I respect you always.
Please help us with your prayer to bring
Justice and Human Rights to our two countries of Tibet and Viet Nam.
My dear friends from Taiwan, Japan,
Phillipines, Hong Kong, and all the other countries in the Far East, please
look at us like a mirror to stay away from the disaster of the Communists.
Please always try your best to keep and protect your own lands and help
us in the same way.
Today Tibet, Tomorrow Viet Nam. Who
knows how many other countries in this world are living in these conditions.
We must all join together for the Happiness and Dignity for the next
Very respectfully yours,
Mrs. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hanh
May 29, 2013
Dear Mrs. Nylon Cheng,
I would like to send to you
all of my respect from the bottom of my heart, as well as to your whole
family, and to the Honorable Nylon Cheng for the patriotism to your
country which led to Freedom and Democracy for Taiwan today. Mr. Nylon
Cheng is not only a big hero for Taiwan, but is also an important leader figure
for anyone wishing to defend their own countries. I have had the honor of
visiting the Nylon Cheng Memorial Museum, and respectfully bowing in front of an important hero for
humanity. I am also very pleased to have met you, Mrs. Nylon Cheng, twice in person.I strongly
believe that the goal I am pursuing will be successful by studying and
following the experiences of the
Honorable Nylon Cheng. I also believe that the prayers I offered in front
of his spirit have been heard, and that he will offe.r his helping hand in the
hope of getting FREEDOM for my country of Viet Nam I guarantee that I will
follow the road that Mr. Nylon Cheng had used previously for Taiwan. would again like to
express my respect to the Honorable Nylon Cheng and wish that you will always
fight with me side-by-side for my country.
Best wishes to you and your
Mrs. Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Hạnh
May 05 , 2013
Chiến Sĩ Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Hạnh và
Phái Đòan Chính Phủ Tây Tạng viếng thăm Museum Nylon Cheng,
Dear Mr Dawa Tsering,
This is a " Thank you " note which I
am sending to you before I leave Taiwan .
Today. I just come to Tai Chung and hand out the
gift of 20,000 Taiwan dollars to HOANG PHI
This young man is very touchy and impressed
about the kindness and care from the Honorable Dat Lai Lama and the Tibet
Students who directly support to him in his worse situation recently. Hoang Phi
would like to send his gratitude and appreciation to the Honorable Dat Lai Lama
and wish him well, healthy always.What you did to Hoang Phi also presented
to the whole world about your concern and help to the unfortunate people in
difficulties case. It also speak up the spirit and relationship between Tibet
and Viet Nam is always brightened up .
I hope to see you again soon.
One more time, Thank you so much for all you
did for me and especially to Hoang Phi .
Ms. Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Hạnh
May 25, 2013
by Serlha and Youlha
Red stars waving high
on the mountains of my land
Hear my people cry
Sadness in their mind
You feel like a God with the gun in your hand
Sorrow you have brought to my peaceful land
Brothers and sisters stand up for your right
Justice will always guide us
Never lose the light
Still we sing a song, a song of love and peace
Hatred we don’t long
No more silent tears
You may laugh at me and torture with devils skill
Never will you see how you break my will
Brothers and sisters stand up for your right
Justice will always guide us
Never lose the light
Brothers and sisters stand up for your right
stand up for your right
Justice will always guide us
YouTube -
Videos from this email
" Today Tibet-Tomorrow Viet Nam "
Who knows how many other countries in this world
are living in these conditions.
A fighter for “100% freedom of speech”
Huang Shihhan | April 21, 2012
A painting of Cheng
Nan-jung by Taiwanese artist Shih Bing-shyi
On April 7, 1989,
democracy activist Cheng Nan-jung set himself on fire and died in a blaze.
Cheng is sometimes referred to as Nylon Deng or Nylon Cheng.
His self-immolation
came as the riot police closed in to arrest him for insurrection. Cheng’s
crime was having printed in hisFreedom
Era magazine an article drawn by a pro-independence
author. Calling for de facto Taiwanese independence was, at the time, still a
taboo subject. That’s because the government in Taiwan, the Republic of China,
regards Mainland China as part of its territory in its constitution. Therefore
any attempt to call for Taiwan’s separation from this framework was treated as
An arrest warrant was
issued after Cheng was charged, but he refused to appear in court and locked
himself in the office of his magazine. He proclaimed, “The Kuomintang will
never catch me; they will only find my dead body.” And that’s exactly what
33 years after Cheng’s
self-immolation, the Deng Liberty Foundation opened an exhibition that
showcases photographs of social movements in which Cheng was an active voice.
The exhibition will run through June 30 at the Nylon Cheng Memorial Museum in
Taipei. The museum is located at the site of Cheng’s former office, where he
set himself on fire.
To learn more about
Cheng Nan-jung and the exhibition, tune in to Time Traveler on April 25.
Nylon Cheng Memorial
Address: 3rd floor, no. 11, ally 3, lane 106, Minquan East Road Section 3, Taipei (台北市民權東路三段106巷3弄11號3摟)
Telephone number: 02 25468766
Tues-Sat 10am-5pm
Address: 3rd floor, no. 11, ally 3, lane 106, Minquan East Road Section 3, Taipei (台北市民權東路三段106巷3弄11號3摟)
Telephone number: 02 25468766
Tues-Sat 10am-5pm
45,000 people attended Cheng’s funeral
Democracy activists began a campaign against
the martial law still effective in Taiwan, the longest such period in the
The Nylon Cheng Memorial Museum still
preserves the office in which Cheng set himself on fire.
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